It is partly cloudy at sunrise this morning with a temperature of 63F (17C) and 94% humidity. There has been no rainfall overnight, leaving us at 0.49" (1.2cm) for the past 24 hours -- and nearly all of that happened in the space of 15 minutes, right around 5:30pm last evening.
There are no dramatic or large-scale weather features to get excited about during the next few days. Much of the very deep, rich tropical moisture has retreated well to our south and east, but enough remains in place to provide fuel for mainly afternoon showers and thundershowers. It looks like we'll be seeing at least a couple of hours of sunshine during the mornings, but be prepared for rapid cloud and fog development by mid-day which could lead to a period or two of showers. As we saw yesterday evening, a brief heavy downpour is not out of the question.
Technically, we could be just two weeks away from the official end of monsoon season this year. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence of a strong batch of drier air from central Asia just yet, that could drive monsoon conditions out for good. Expect to continue languishing in these "in between" conditions -- with periods of sun and lower humidity, but also some visitations of thick fog and occasional showers -- until further notice...
The CURRENT FORECAST along with other monsoon info can be found on tabs above.
There are no dramatic or large-scale weather features to get excited about during the next few days. Much of the very deep, rich tropical moisture has retreated well to our south and east, but enough remains in place to provide fuel for mainly afternoon showers and thundershowers. It looks like we'll be seeing at least a couple of hours of sunshine during the mornings, but be prepared for rapid cloud and fog development by mid-day which could lead to a period or two of showers. As we saw yesterday evening, a brief heavy downpour is not out of the question.
Technically, we could be just two weeks away from the official end of monsoon season this year. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence of a strong batch of drier air from central Asia just yet, that could drive monsoon conditions out for good. Expect to continue languishing in these "in between" conditions -- with periods of sun and lower humidity, but also some visitations of thick fog and occasional showers -- until further notice...
The CURRENT FORECAST along with other monsoon info can be found on tabs above.