I've been trying to re-familiarize myself this evening with some of the random weather models and batches of data that I rely on to watch the weather in our part of the world. The trouble is, the data flow over my internet connection the last couple of hours has been crap. To be honest.
Anyway, from what I am seeing, we still have some very nice January weather to deal with during the next two or three days. I was amazed at how mild it is, having just arrived from week after week of Arctic cold and brutal wind chills in Minnesota. Felt a bit like the tropics today, to me.!! Temperatures should continue to run above normal, with a good amount of sun -- probably through Tuesday.
Things start to change on Wednesday. The upper-level pattern becomes more complex by that time, with an organizing storm system located just to our west. Right now it looks like clouds will thicken, rain/snow chances will increase, with temperatures falling rather dramatically during the later half of next week. Mid- to late January is 'prime time' for major winter storm events in our area... so we'll have to watch how this one is going to evolve.
Anyway, from what I am seeing, we still have some very nice January weather to deal with during the next two or three days. I was amazed at how mild it is, having just arrived from week after week of Arctic cold and brutal wind chills in Minnesota. Felt a bit like the tropics today, to me.!! Temperatures should continue to run above normal, with a good amount of sun -- probably through Tuesday.
Things start to change on Wednesday. The upper-level pattern becomes more complex by that time, with an organizing storm system located just to our west. Right now it looks like clouds will thicken, rain/snow chances will increase, with temperatures falling rather dramatically during the later half of next week. Mid- to late January is 'prime time' for major winter storm events in our area... so we'll have to watch how this one is going to evolve.