The temperature is 50F (10C) at sunrise this morning, with a humidity reading of 24%. We have totally clear skies to start our Friday.
Afternoon mountain cloudiness has been less and less pronounced since Sunday, and yesterday, there were barely the slightest microscopic fragments of cumulus desperately trying to develop over the highest Dhauladhar peaks. That means we are finally getting the kind of widespread, long-lasting sunshine that we should have been seeing regularly more than a month ago. The atmosphere is stable, the moisture content of the air is very low (humidity in the 15-40% range), and temperatures near normal for the middle of November.
We are on the brink of a warm-up, though, with temps expected to crack 60F (15.6C) for the first time since way back at the beginning of the month. By Sunday and Monday we should be running a few degrees above average. There will be a couple of very weak disturbances drifting through on west-southwesterly winds aloft -- and that could bring us a few periods of high cloudiness to punctuate the sunshine during the coming several days. The next cool-down is on schedule for late Tuesday into Wednesday, but no significant rain/snow-makers are in sight.
Keep up with the CURRENT FORECAST, located on the tab above.
Afternoon mountain cloudiness has been less and less pronounced since Sunday, and yesterday, there were barely the slightest microscopic fragments of cumulus desperately trying to develop over the highest Dhauladhar peaks. That means we are finally getting the kind of widespread, long-lasting sunshine that we should have been seeing regularly more than a month ago. The atmosphere is stable, the moisture content of the air is very low (humidity in the 15-40% range), and temperatures near normal for the middle of November.
We are on the brink of a warm-up, though, with temps expected to crack 60F (15.6C) for the first time since way back at the beginning of the month. By Sunday and Monday we should be running a few degrees above average. There will be a couple of very weak disturbances drifting through on west-southwesterly winds aloft -- and that could bring us a few periods of high cloudiness to punctuate the sunshine during the coming several days. The next cool-down is on schedule for late Tuesday into Wednesday, but no significant rain/snow-makers are in sight.
Keep up with the CURRENT FORECAST, located on the tab above.